Monday 20 May 2013


These are the nipples that are going to go onto Beverly's fat suit. I think they have been really successful as they similar to Katie's sample. I think they will look great on the fat suit as they will be comical  yet pretty.

Sunday 19 May 2013

Cyril's buttons

These felt button's for Cyril's waistcoat didn't work very well. The top button is way to yellow and the sequins look way to big for the button. The bottom button hasn't really worked well either as the black round the edge looks to harsh. Also it looks too flat. Even though the buttons have to be flat so that it doesn't hurt the performer I still would like to try and create a fake 3D look. Unfortunately the bottom buttons will have to go onto the waistcoat for now but I do plan to change them after hand in.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Second fitting- Beverly's fat version

 Once again the hem lines on both coat and dress need to be shorten so they are identical to the thin versions. But apart from that and the position and length of the sleeve nothing else was changed. I think the big versions of her costume work really well as the belt accentuates her size. On the coat I am also going to make some of the buttons look like they are falling off to give the impression that the coat doesn't now she's bigger.

Second fitting- Beverly thin version

The thin versions of Bev's coat and night dress fitted well all that needs to be altered is the hem length on both of them. I think the buttons on the coat look great and once the pink lining is in it'll look really garish.( which is what we are aiming for)

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Fat suit fitting

 The fat suit for Beverly fitted really well and Katie seemed to really pleased with the way it looked. The arms and bottom of the legs need to be padded out more but apart from that all that will be left is finishing. The boobs and fat rolls need to be stitched into so they are more defined. Over all I think it looks really good especially the legs and they look like they have cellulite.

Second fittings - Cyril

 The second fitting for Cyril went really well. The trousers need to be made shorter and to be stuck out at the sides. The waistcoat needs to have a new back so that he has tails. The wig base seemed to fit well so it's just the case of getting on with creating everything in top fabric.

Monday 6 May 2013

Cyril's new design

This is the new design for the character Cyril. The hoop didn't fit the character anymore and instead of him being a creepy park keeper he is now more the ring leader.